How to Maintain Your Vehicle

Dealing with three of the Most Common Automatic Transmission Problems

The automatic transmission is one of the critical systems on your vehicle. How well you care for this system is what determines how long and how well the system will serve you. It is unfortunate that so many vehicle owners do not understand the transmission actually costs more to replace than the vehicle's engine and, therefore, sometimes, they will ignore its issues. Here are the three signs of issues that you should not ignore when it comes to your automatic transmission.

When the Vehicle Refuses to Respond When in Gear

A normal vehicle with all the parts working properly is supposed to respond immediately when you put it in drive or reverse mode. If your vehicle delays in engaging when you put it in one of these modes, or it delays but still engages, it indicates the possibility of a problem with the system. Typically, the culprit will be the degradation of the transmission fluid's protective properties, a problem which can be fixed by adding new fluid. In other cases, the problem will be a problem with the vehicle's computer system. Only a competent auto mechanic can help you get to the root of the problem and have it fixed.

When Your Gear Has a Grinding or Shaking Sensation

When your transmission is healthy, the vehicle should smoothly operate when you are shifting gears. You should not feel grinding, shaking or slipping when handling the gears. If you are experiencing any of these sensations when you try to switch gears, it is the first indication of problems with your transmission. It is advisable to watch your transmission carefully at this juncture because most of the time when left unattended to they end up ruining worse.

When the Vehicle Makes Unusual Noises in Neutral

The other common indication that your vehicle's transmission is ailing is when the vehicle keeps making whining, clunking or humming noises, especially when the car is in neutral. While sometimes these sounds could be coming from a normal transmission, there are times when they indicate that the system is failing. The only way to know is by consulting an auto mechanic.

Other indications that your transmission is failing include gears slipping and when the inside of the vehicle smells like burning. An auto mechanic will assess your transmission and determine whether the fluid is low, which is the usual first indication of serious trouble. They will then fix the underlying problem and spare your vehicle further damage.

For more information, contact an automatic transmission service in your area.
