Jenny Fields

The Origins Of Three Typical Bus Repairs That Require Immediate Attending To

If you have newly ventured into the transport industry and have acquired one or more buses, you must have a maintenance schedule. If you don't, you are going to be putting the lives of all your customers at risk. You also risk reducing the return you'll get on your investment since your buses will be out of commission prematurely. Nevertheless, while maintenance does encompass a broad range of services, you should know certain repairs will crop more often than others would.

Flooded Vehicle Lesson 101: Immediate Steps to Take

If your vehicle has flooded, you may be looking to get it repaired as soon as possible. High water levels can severely damage your vehicle's electric system and fluids. And if it is left sitting in a pool of water for long periods, mud, debris and salt may cause further mechanical issues. Unfortunately, many motorists don't know what steps to take after their vehicles are affected by flooding. Here's a lesson in vehicle flood management and how you can take immediate steps to save and repair your car in good time.

Should You Get Your Automatic Transmission Flushed?

The automatic transmission system fitted to the average car today is a masterpiece of engineering. Indeed, the manufacturer will typically design this component to last a lifetime, and they will build them to withstand high temperatures and a tremendous amount of friction. However, vehicle owners should do their part to help ensure longevity and should get their automatic transmission serviced per recommended instructions. In particular, they may want to consider getting the transmission flushed using some professional tools as well.

Oil Filter Wrenches And How To Use Them Well

Oil filter changes are an essential part of any regular car service. A time comes when you might have to do some do-it-yourself maintenance, such as cleaning the oil filter to keep the engine in good shape. It happens quite a lot, depending on the usage of the vehicle and the amount of dirt that your engine oil encounters. When such a need arises, a little knowledge of how you can use an oil filter wrench will come in handy.

4 Vital Considerations During Your Initial Car Servicing

After buying or importing your vehicle, you must take it for immediate car service and inspection. This way, you'll ensure a trouble-free experience while using the car over the years. This post will discuss essential things to consider during your first car service. Continue reading to learn five crucial things you should check and do for your car. Car Inspection Is Key  Before servicing, it's essential to take the car to a trusted mechanic for a comprehensive electrical and mechanical inspection.

Dealing with three of the Most Common Automatic Transmission Problems

The automatic transmission is one of the critical systems on your vehicle. How well you care for this system is what determines how long and how well the system will serve you. It is unfortunate that so many vehicle owners do not understand the transmission actually costs more to replace than the vehicle's engine and, therefore, sometimes, they will ignore its issues. Here are the three signs of issues that you should not ignore when it comes to your automatic transmission.